Our Dams
All three girls have Champion parent. Showlines throughout their pedigree
Aspen comes from fantastic lines. she is a chocolate, and carries yellow and black. She is the most loving girl! I get kisses galoor every single day!
A very intelligent, sweet natured girl, but a tad of a couch potatoe. Bring a treat and she moves very very fast!
Aspens Dad is an American Champion as well as a Canadian Champion!
Eyes - Normal
Elbows - Normal
Hips - Excellent
Advance Cardiac - Normal
Below are her clearances plus her parents/grandparents clearances.
Her Father is a GRCH in Canada so you can find him below
CeCe is a black lab. She is full of personality and is simply gorgeous! CeCe is my adventurous girl. Loves the woods, and is amazed by anything new. She is happiest when she is carrying something in her mouth. CeCes Dad won Select Dog at WESTMINSTER Kennel Club 2021!!
Below are clearances plus her parents/grandparents clearances
Eyes - Normal
Elbows - Normal
Hips - Good
Advanced Cardiac - Normal
Penny is a yellow (fox red) labrador. The sweetest girl. Always by my side and so good natured. Penny, believes she is a very small girl and would love nothing better than to sit in my lap all day long.
She is also quite a looker! Pennys Dad is an American Champion!
Eyes - NormalAdvanced Cardiac - NormalElbows - Normal
Hips - Good